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Windrose's lunch
From €15.00
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Rosala Viking Centreinfo@rosala.fi+358 40 218 2960Company id:2167549-6Merchant terms
Viking Centre

Café Windrose is in the Viking Centre’s red entry building with the museum shop. In addition to traditional coffee and tea, the selection includes small snacks and tasty pastries. We also serve wine, beer and cider.

During summer, we serve a tasty lunch every day at 11.30-16.00. The lunch menu varies daily. We don’t make table reservations, so you can freely choose the seat you prefer indoors or outdoors. Also takeaway.

We can take notice of most of food allergies at the lunch, as long as we get the information in advance. All food is low on lactose. You can write the diets on Additional information under Customer details at checkout.

Viking Centre is located on the beautiful Rosala island. You can find the car ferry timetable here or information about guest mooring here.