Terms and conditions


Rosala & Bengtskär Booking Office

Rosala Viking Centre Ltd
Reimarsvägen 5
25950 Rosala, Finland
+358 40 218 2960
Business ID 2167549-6


Rosala & Bengtskär Booking Office’s Johku web shop may contain products and services from various merchants. These products/services will be added into the common shopping cart prior payment. All orders, payments and payment verifications will be conducted directly between the customer and the merchant. There will be separate contracts concluded with each merchant for the order, and each merchant is responsible for their own products and services. All questions and concerns about the products/services should be addressed to the merchant responsible for the product/service.

The merchant, contact information and a link to the merchant’s terms will be given with the product information. Remember to read all terms carefully before your purchase.


The customer agrees to comply with these terms and conditions when ordering and reserving Rosala Viking Centre’s products and services. When ordering and reserving other merchant’s products and services from Rosala Viking Centre’s web-services, the customer agrees to comply with the merchant’s own terms and conditions.

Booking terms and conditions

These terms are applied to products and services for rent and reservation. Hereinafter they are jointly referred to as "object".


  • The customer is responsible for reading the description and specifications of the object and the terms and conditions for making reservations.

  • The participant must ensure that the object suits the level of their physical ability and competence.

  • The participant is responsible for obtaining insurance and for ensuring that it covers what is needed in the event of for example illness, accident and property damage as well as cancellations.

  • Rosala Viking Centre is not liable for the quality of or delays in potential third-party (airline, hotel etc.) arrangements.

  • The reservation/order made by the customer becomes binding when the order/payment confirmation has been sent to the email address provided by the customer.

  • The customer shall pay the reservation/order with the chosen method of payment in accordance with its applicable terms and conditions.

  • The online booking system sends the order confirmation / confirmation of payment to the email address provided by the customer.

  • Rosala Viking Centre is not liable for failed reservations/orders. In case of reservation/order failure, customer must contact Rosala Viking Centre immediately to rectify the situation.

  • Rosala Viking Centre does not give warranties that the object in question is still available in these cases.

  • If the object is not available, the customer will be refunded or offered another object, if possible.

Cancellations and changes

  • Date of cancellation is the date Rosala Viking Centre receives the notification of the cancellation. 

  • The customer is responsible for sending the notification on time.

  • A customer who fails to show up at the appointed time without cancelling their booking will not be entitled to a refund.

  • If the customer cancels their reservation

    • less than 21 days before, but at least 7 days prior to the reserved date, 50% of the total cost of the order will be charged (groups only).

    • less than 7 days before, but at least 3 days prior to the reserved date, 50% of the total cost of the order will be charged (groups 75%).

    • less than 3 days prior to the reserved date, 95% of the total cost of the order will be charged.

    • Reservations made with discount codes are always fully charged regardless of the date of cancellation.

  • The reason for cancellation or no show is irrelevant, i.e. the same conditions also apply in cases of for example illness. We recommend the customer to obtain sufficient insurance to cover accidents and property damage as well as cancellations.

  • At the customer’s request, the reservation can be transferred to another time with following terms:

    • The transfer is made at least 3 days (groups 15 days) prior to the original reservation date.

    • The customer pays any difference between the original reservation and the new reservation, as well as transfer expenses of 10,00 euros (incl. VAT 24%).

    • If the transferred reservation is canceled, 95% of the total cost of the order will be charged regardless of the date of cancellation.

  • Bengtskär lighthouse hotel has its own change and cancellation terms, which are delivered to the customer by email before confirming the reservation

The owners right to cancel a reservation

  • In case of force majeure Rosala Viking Centre has the right to cancel the reservation. The customer is informed of the termination of the contract as soon as possible. If the reservation is canceled due to force majeure, the customer has the right to be fully refunded of the reservation payment. 

  • Possible costs caused by force majeure are not reimbursed to the client.


  • Code to the lock, or instructions of the key and reclaiming it, is delivered with the booking confirmation email.

  • The customer must return the key according to the given instructions.

  • The code/key is given only to valid and paid reservations. Giving or sending the code/key to third party or changing the code in the lock is prohibited.

  • The owner has the right to charge the customer for all re-serializing or lock changing costs caused by a missing or non-returned key, minimum of 20,00 euros.

  • Rosala Viking Centre has the right to charge at least 20,00 euros for unlocking the object due to a missing key or key left behind a locked door.

Using the object

  • The object is specified in its description.

  • The customer has the right to use the object, its equipment and other specified services during the reservation time.

  • The object is available for the customer’s use at the time specified in the object description.

  • The customer is responsible for the proper use of the object.

  • The participant commits to following written and/or oral instructions and regulations of the object.

  • The customer making a reservation for an underaged person (17 years old or younger) is responsible for the minor.

  • Any complaint or comment regarding the object should be made in the first instance to Rosala Viking Centre at the time of your visit so that we can attempt to resolve it immediately.

  • Pets

    • The customer is fully responsible of and liable to compensate the damages caused by her/his pets.

    • Pets must be kept leashed and should not be left alone unattended.

    • Pet owners must pay special attention to the tidiness of the lodging.

    • Permitting pets to the lodging is always separately stated in the object description.

    • Pet owners must also obey possible specified instructions.

  • Additional and special terms and conditions for certain objects

    • Bengtskär lighthouse

      • Wind/waves can prevent traffic to the island, or cause changes in travel times and timetable

      • Bringing dogs and other animals to the island is prohibited in April, May and June.

      • Flying an unmanned aircraft, such as a drone, is prohibited

      • Staying overnight on Bengtskär island is allowed only in the lighthouse hotel. The lighthouse hotel has its own change and cancellation terms, which are delivered to the customer by email before confirming the reservation

  • Special terms and conditions of equipment rentals and loans

    • The customer must pay heed to the safety and usage instructions of the equipment. The equipment must be used only to the purpose it is meant for. The customer adheres to make a safety check during the reservation time. Exporting or re-rental or re-lending of the equipment is prohibited. Using the equipment is allowed only within its terms and conditions and only on locations suitable for the user’s skill level and know-how. The customer uses all equipment and its accessories at her/his own risk, and is responsible for obtaining adequate insurance.

    • The customer must return the equipment immediately at the end of the rental or lending period to the agreed place, cleaned and otherwise in the same condition as it was in the beginning of leasing. The customer must inform the rental agent or lender immediately if the equipment cannot be returned on time. The rental agent or lender has the right to claim (50% more) rent for the extra time if there is no other separate agreement.

    • The customer is liable to compensate the damages and costs that affect the equipment during the rental or lending period and are due to incorrect handling or insufficient maintenance. The customer is liable to compensate for equipment destroyed or lost during the rental or lending period to its full purchase value. The customer is responsible for following transportation, safety and other instructions and orders. The customer is obliged to inform the rental agent or lender immediately about any fault noted in the equipment.

    • The rental agent or lender is obliged to make repairs that are due to normal use of the equipment. The rental agent or lender is not responsible for any direct or indirect costs or damages that may accrue to the customer due to the use or failure of the equipment. The rental agent or lender does not commit to delivering new equipment to replace a broken one or to compensate for any indirect or direct costs due to termination of work.

Compensation for damages

  • The customer is liable for all damage caused by the customer or their company to Rosala Viking Centre or to third parties.

  • Rosala Viking Centre does not compensate any damage or cost accrued to the customer due to third-parties or natural conditions, such as insects, animals, thaw or unexpected changes in weather.

Notifications and solving disputes

  • The customer is obliged to notify Rosala Viking Centre or its representative of any deficiencies as soon as the issue arises.

  • Any errors that occur during customer’s visit/stay must be reported immediately. If the customer has not reported any complaints or errors during her/his visit/stay and therefore neglected to give Rosala Viking Centre the opportunity to correct any mistakes, the customer cannot demand any compensation afterwards.

  • If satisfactory solution on the matter is not found there and then, the complaint should be submitted in writing within one month of the incident.

  • Rosala Viking Centre handles complaints as soon as possible, and within one month at the latest.

  • If the customer and Rosala Viking Centre cannot reach a mutual understanding on the matter, the customer may refer the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board (www.kuluttajariita.fi/en) for resolution. Before doing this, the customer should contact the Consumer Advisory Service (www.kkv.fi/en/consumer-advice).


Terms of delivery

Validity of agreement

  • A binding trade agreement comes into force when the order has been confirmed (order/payment confirmation).

  • Order/payment confirmation is delivered to the customer by email.

Cancellation and refunds

  • The products involve 14 days of refund entitlement in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.

  • Refund entitlement is valid only if the product and its retail package is in its original condition.

  • Please contact Rosala Viking Centre for instructions on return.

  • Refund entitlement does not concern engraved or other personalized products, delivery costs, accommodation, restaurant services, transport services or other leisure time services agreed upon for a certain time.

Product warranty

  • We follow the warranty terms and conditions specified by the manufacturer or importer.


  • Delivery fees include postage and packing. You can review delivery fees after selecting payment and delivery method in the cart.

  • Rosala Viking Centre is not liable for any lost deliveries, if the delivery method is a non-trackable letter.

  • Rosala Viking Centre is not liable for any delivery delays due to third parties.


Terms of payment

  • Rosala Viking Centre applies reliable and safe payment agents for its services.

  • Rosala Viking Centre does not save bank or credit card information in any stage of the process.

  • The customer commits to complying with the terms of the selected payment method.

  • Payments by invoicing Rosala Viking Centre

    • The invoice must be paid by the specified due date.

    • In case the invoice for a reserved object or product is not paid by the due date, the order is removed, and the object is returned to the store.

  • Visma Pay (Paybyway Oy, business-id FI24865594) is the payment facilitator of the online shop. Paybyway Oy is a payment facilitator authorized by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Finland. The payment process is conducted in the online service of Visma Pay. Visma Pay or Paybyway Oy is shown as the receiver of your payment in the bank account listing. Paying with Visma Pay is safe. All information is exchanged through secured connections. The trade happens between the online customer and the online shop. The online shop is responsible for all obligations related to the trade. 

    Read more about Visma Pay: https://www.visma.fi/vismapay/

Visma Pay, Paybyway Oy (business-id FI24865594)
E-mail: helpdesk@vismapay.com
Telephone: +358 9 315 42 037 (workdays 8-16)
Address: Brahenkatu 4, 53100 Lappeenranta, Finland

  • In case the payment transaction has not been completed at the moment of order, Rosala Viking Centre does not handle the order.


General terms and conditions

  • Prices stated on the online store include VAT.

  • We apply dynamic pricing. The prices depend on the number of guests and the time of reservation, and they vary monthly, weekly and daily.

  • We reserve the right to change prices.

  • We sell products to private persons who are of age, and to business customers. The customer making the order/reservation must be of legal age (at least 18 years old).

  • The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information she/he provides.

  • By using the online museum shop, the customer acknowledges that Rosala Viking Centre has the right to use any registered contact information for direct advertising, distant selling, other direct marketing purposes, marketing research and surveys as specified in the Rosala Viking Centre’s privacy statement, unless the customer prohibits this. The customer can inform of such prohibition by sending a notice to the address listed in the terms and conditions.

  • We reserve all rights to change the terms and conditions. The customer is required to read valid terms and conditions.